Organize Cleaning is the Aromatherapy cleaning company. That specialize in creating therapeutic environments by providing deep cleaning services and customized cleaning agents that have beneficial effects for the body, mind, and the Earth. Experience what Organize Cleaning can do for you.

In the kitchen is where laughter flows over dinner, where you indulge in the last slice of chocolate cake after everyone has gone to bed. The kitchen is the heart of the home, flowing from it the nutrition that fuels the body, mind, and soul of your family and friends. Organize Cleaning is here to help keep the vibes merry and the cleaning always deep.

Deep Cleaning
The Kitchen
Clean Inside and outside of Refrigerator, Oven, Microwave
Remove dust from top of cabinets and appliances
Disinfect all flat surfaces
Clean front of cabinets, drawers and doors
Hand wash window seals and tracks
Clean baseboards that are accessible
Wash floors
Extra Services
Organize Pantry
Organize cabinet and drawers

Living Room and Bedroom
Remove dust from ceiling fans
Remove dust from all flat surfaces
Hand wipe all flat surfaces
Hand wash window seals and tracks
Clean baseboards that are accessible
Extra Services
Carpet Cleaning
Organize Closets
Organize bookcase and dressers

Homes under 600 sqft
Homes 1801 to 2400 sqft
Homes 601 to 1200 sqft
Homes 1202 to 1800 sqft
Homes 2401 to 3000
Homes 2401 to 3000
Homes with two or more pets
Hair removal fee
Clean behind and inside Toilet
Remove soap scum
Hand wash base boards that are accessible
Remove dust from flat surfaces
Disinfect all flat surfaces
Clean drawer fronts
Hand wash window seals and track